Past News

  • Moments from June SNS

    15km skate from West to South
  • A fun & relaxing route

    From Toa Payoh to GBB
  • Bishan to Woodlands

    Moments from our Endurance Night Skate
  • Halloween Night Skate 2023

    Moments from our masquerade party in town!
  • Tampines One to Marina Barrage

    20km journey
  • Punggol to Tampines

    July SNS Moments
  • Review: SNS 2022

    We skate again!
  • Endurance Night Skate

    30km completed!
  • Jurassic Night Skate

    21km journey completed
  • Homecoming Night Skate

    70+ Skaters came!
  • Stay at home, Skate at home

    Videos to guide you to skate at home
  • Leap Year Night Skate Video

    Check out the latest video from our February Night Skate!